Thursday, April 26, 2007

Week 16-The End!

My first experience with using blogs is complete and has come to an end.
My blog has been closed!

Week 16

I have learned a great deal in this class. It has been pretty interesting. I learned how to create a web site. I never knew it had so much involved in making a web site. I had no idea what a html code even was. It is pretty awesome. I also learned how to do a gradebook, which will come in handy when I become a teacher. I thought I would have to do each students grades individually. This is one folder I will definitely keep. I also learned how to do multiplication table, address book, line and bar charts, and tab tables. I also learned how to replace words with others, to put in text boxes, to do a trifold brochure, to add symbols, to use the function key to figure up payments and interest. The function key has to be the best thing I have learned. Using the function key you can click on logical and IF to add bonus points to grades and use VLOOKUP to set your grades. I never knew you could so much with Microsoft Excel. This class has made me a lot more comfortable when it comes to dealing with computers. Thank you, Dr.Strange

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


My website is about my favorite animals. On the main page it shows a picture of my Chinese Pug. His name is Cutie Pie. On the following pages you will find pictures of other animals that I find interesting. I have fininshed my web site. All corrections have been made. If I had extra time I would like to go back and put more information about each of the animals I talked about.
To see my wesite

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blogger: Shamika Toney's EDM310 Blog - Post a Comment

Blogger: Shamika Toney's EDM310 Blog - Post a CommentHey, I reviewed your web site and you did a really good job. I want to do some of the things you have listed. I want to appear in a movie and go to Paris. I have been on a cruise and it was a lot of fun. The only thing I can see I would change is to put a picture of yourself above your Blog button, so you will not have a blank space. Good work!
To view my blog

Friday, April 6, 2007

Week 13

I reviewed Kristen Leytham's website and it is great! The pictures are really pretty. The best thing is she actually went to Italy. She was able to find out about it first hand. She also has a lot of information about it on every page. It is definitely worth checking out.
To view Kristen website you can CLICK HERE
To view my website CLICK HERE

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Week 11

Seymour Papert lives in Maine and has a laboratory, The Learning Barn. There they are developing new methods of learning. His goal is to make sure all children have a personal computer. He spends a lot of time in Maine at a youth center in Portland. There he spends time working with teenagers who have been convicted of serious offenses.
Mr.Papert, is also an advisory on MaMaMedia Inc. MaMaMedia is a place for kids on the internet, where they can go to play games. It is really a neat site. I will include the link so you can take a look at it. I have a seven y/o daughter who will love it. Recently, Mr.Papert went on a cross country tour to show his book- The Connected Family:Bridging the Digital Generation Gap.
To read about Mr.Papert CLCK HERE
To see the site MaMaMedia Inc.CLICK HERE

Thursday, March 22, 2007

WEEK 9 #2

Duke university is using ipods in many of their classes. They even handed out ipods to all new students in 2004. "1,200 students are expected to use ipods to enchance classroom materials, lectures or assignments in 42 spring 2006 courses." "Last spring, 280 students in 19 courses used iPods as part of the Duke iPod First-Year Experience."
They are using the iPods to inhance technology. The iPods are helpful in outside classroom activities. They also open up the world of technology to students. Duke Universtiy thinks the iPods will be a success and plan on handing more out in the future.
To view this siteCLICK HERE


I found a website where college teachers are using ipods. The benefits of the ipods are that they can be used beyond school hours. They also bring studies to life. The ipod is designed to meet the needs of individuals.
The ipod is also great for the teachers to keep up with information and organize their lessons. The teachers and students think the ipods are great. "By using the ilife suite of multimedia applications, educators and students can create their own iPod content."
To view this site

WEEK 8 #2

I found a website where students are using spreadsheets in science class. This website is designed so that any school can particpate in the online project. The project is to conduct scientific investigations. The data is then downloaded to an online spreedsheet.
The investigations become harder over time and therefore the more useful the spreadsheets become. When the data is put on a spreadsheet it is easier to update and can be instanly and easily viewed. It also allows the students to view the data in a variety of ways to make it easier to understand.
To view this site CLICK HERE


I found a website using spreadsheets for mathematics class. It states that spreadsheets would probably be most beneficial for math. It helps you with grades,charts,graphs,oraganize data and many other things.
If you are having problems with math you can you a spreadsheet to help you figure out a problem. You can use it to calculate the mean and range for a set of data. You can use it to divide and do formulas such as changig inches to feet.
To view this site then

Monday, March 19, 2007


Hey everybody,
I hope everyone had a great time during Spring Break. I went to the Arts and Crafts Festival in Fairhope, had a lot of fun. To bad it is still too cold to go swimming.


Sorry so late.I missed this one. I guess I missed it because I did not do anything for Madi Gras. I really do not get into it. I do not like the crowds. I did get to look at the floats they were working on before the parades, with a friend from work.

Monday, February 19, 2007

WEEK 6 International schools using blogs

I found a website in Italy using blogging. The English teache's name is Melanie. The name of their weblog is' "Briding The Gap." Her students use the weblog to dicuss topic and get better understanding of the world. To view this website CLICK HERE

WEEK 6 International schools using blogs

I found a website in British schools using blogs. Esther Maccallum-Stewart, at Sussex University. She uses blogs in her classroom to teach and carry out research.
She has recently been using the blogs to teach WWI. "The weblog meant a place to store ideas,links,and references." To veiw this wedsite CLICK HERE


It's me. I am really sick. I have a sore throat and chest congestion. I had to force myself to BLOG. Hope everyone has a great Madi Gras.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

week5- USA school using blogs

I found a school blog site. You can actually see what the students have to read and do. You can also read about school activities going on. The school is Westwood in Camilla, Georgia. Mrs.Davis runs the site. You can click on westwood school, on the first page and see a lot of pictures. This site lets you see how you can set up blogging as a future teacher. To get to the siteCLICK HERE

week 5-USA schools using blog

Mrs.Marisa Dudiak's, second grade class in Frederick County,MD. are using blogs. She also states that blogging helps her usually "shy" students express themselves. The blogging all began with a trip to a Native American Farm, which the children could not stop talking about. Mrs.Dudiak, likes the idea of blogging because it can be helpful on any subject. Another plus with blogging is that students can do it away from school.CLICK HERE

week 5- USA schools using blogs

Teacher, Janice Robertson is using blogs in her classroom to engage her students in novel discussion. She teaches seventh grade English. She gives her students questions on-line to answer pertaining to their class readings. She also has the students interview others, to get their perspectives on different things. She belives bloging will help her "shy" students whom would not normally respond in class to be more open. To see her web site CLICK HERE The guy in the picture is Andy Carvin:Internet Activist


Not much to write about. I woke up yesterday with a sore throat. I hope I do not get any worse. I am working on my trifold brochure. Wish me luck.

Friday, February 2, 2007


I have really enjoyed my experience blogging. At first I thought I would not like it, it would be boring. Now, that I know how to add pictures and hyperlinks it is pretty exiciting. I also like learning more about my computer in general.
I think blogging would be very beneficial in grade school. It would allow students to communicate with others from different countries. What better way to learn about another place than by word of mouth. It would also give students experience on the computer. The only negative aspects of blogging I can see is someone whom exploits children could start blogging. Hopefully, there is someway to keep it were only students in school could communicate and the blogging could be censored.


I wanted to do a new hyperlink, so I thought I would do one on a place I have always wanted to visit, Italy. I found a good wesite.CLICK HERE


Here's another picture.


OK, my picture came out sideways. It's still cute!

It's Friday

Hey all,
I am thinking about going to Madi Gras today. Here is a picture of my heart- Lareesia Charlene

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


IT WORKED!!!!!!!!


Here is my first attempt to do a hyperlink. I work on an ambulance so I thought I would do a link about ems. If you would like to view this website

click here


I am having trouble getting my picture on here. I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Week 1-3

Hey Dr. Strange,
I would like to start off by saying my picture on your roll looks horrible. I have a double chin and I look cross eyed. Anyway, I am having a good time in your class. I hope to learn a lot more about computers. Computers and me do not seem to get along very well. See you in class
Barbara Lewis
P.S. Have you seen Pirates:Dead Man's Chest?
The boat was built in Bayou La Batre.
I have pictures. Here's one

Tuesday, January 23, 2007



Thursday, January 18, 2007


This is my third blog. I have a really bad headache today. I just got off work at 0900 this morning. I have worked on an ambulance for nearly nine years. I have a 7y/o daughter, named Lareesia.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Hey its me again. My second post to the blog. Where did they come up with the word blog anyway?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Tuesday Thursday 11 Class Page

to get to the class blog click here.

Hi! Barb here

This is my first blog. I am a student at the University of South Alabama. My major is Elementary Education. I am married and have a 7 y/o daughter. I live in Mobile, AL. I have worked on an ambulance for over nine years.