Thursday, April 26, 2007

Week 16

I have learned a great deal in this class. It has been pretty interesting. I learned how to create a web site. I never knew it had so much involved in making a web site. I had no idea what a html code even was. It is pretty awesome. I also learned how to do a gradebook, which will come in handy when I become a teacher. I thought I would have to do each students grades individually. This is one folder I will definitely keep. I also learned how to do multiplication table, address book, line and bar charts, and tab tables. I also learned how to replace words with others, to put in text boxes, to do a trifold brochure, to add symbols, to use the function key to figure up payments and interest. The function key has to be the best thing I have learned. Using the function key you can click on logical and IF to add bonus points to grades and use VLOOKUP to set your grades. I never knew you could so much with Microsoft Excel. This class has made me a lot more comfortable when it comes to dealing with computers. Thank you, Dr.Strange

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