Sunday, March 25, 2007

Week 11

Seymour Papert lives in Maine and has a laboratory, The Learning Barn. There they are developing new methods of learning. His goal is to make sure all children have a personal computer. He spends a lot of time in Maine at a youth center in Portland. There he spends time working with teenagers who have been convicted of serious offenses.
Mr.Papert, is also an advisory on MaMaMedia Inc. MaMaMedia is a place for kids on the internet, where they can go to play games. It is really a neat site. I will include the link so you can take a look at it. I have a seven y/o daughter who will love it. Recently, Mr.Papert went on a cross country tour to show his book- The Connected Family:Bridging the Digital Generation Gap.
To read about Mr.Papert CLCK HERE
To see the site MaMaMedia Inc.CLICK HERE

1 comment:

Michelle said...

This guu is pretty cool.